GOP Establishment House Speaker John Boehner has once again been duped by the President, his Democratic minions in Congress, and the media in the payroll tax cut holiday debate. Last August, the Speaker and his Establishment Republicans in the house were duped by the same clever crew in the debt ceiling debacle giving us The Super Committee to “negotiate” spending cuts before our nation’s defense gets completely gutted. We all know how that worked out. Prior to that, it was the laughable 2011 budget with a ridicules reduction of spending increases. That’s a 0-3 season.
This troubling line of GOP Establishment defeats is wearisome, demoralizing, and frightening especially to the conservative base (a.k.a. the TEA Party). The TEA Party victory in the 2010 elections proved to be a repudiation of President Obama’s socialistic agenda and yet continues to be ignored by the GOP Establishment. Our Nation is now on life-support and Speaker Boehner must go. America needs a true conservative House Speaker with a backbone and goes on the offensive.
However, this will not happen until the Speakers minions are replaced, including Congressman Todd Platts. GOP Establishment Congressman Platts staunchly supports Speaker Boehner and his defeatist posture nearly sixty percent of the time when he is not aligned with the Democrats.
It’s time to defeat Congressman Platts in the April primary and replace the losing, conceding, kowtowing GOP Establishment in Congress. Let’s elect someone who can make the difficult choices, be seen, be heard, lead, and more importantly elect a House Speaker that can stand toe-to-toe with President Obama.
Thank you Congressman Platts for your 12 years of service, but true conservative representation in our legislature is desperately needed now. Let’s elect TEA Party Conservative and police officer Ted Waga in the 2012 primary elections. Please visit to learn more.
NOTE: Letter printed in the York Daily Record, January 2, 2012 Edition