Friday, January 13, 2012

"The Gift of No Todd Platts" by Zandra Bishop

When we decided to have kids we were living under the common delusion that all was well with our republic and our kids would simply inherit it from us. Fast forward to Christmas Season 2011 and we have little confidence that our 12- and 8-year-olds will inherit what we once, foolishly, had taken for granted as their birthright. During our kids' entire lives, our representative to Congress, Todd Platts, has squandered it and replaced it with:
1. The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002.
--- Abdicates Congress' constitutional requirement to issue a formal declaration of war.
--- Sets a dangerous precedent and erodes checks and balances.
--- Violates 4th Amendment right to security against "unreasonable search and seizure."
--- Erodes and chills First Amendment right to free speech, including outright gag orders.
--- Possesses a dark "secret interpretation" by the government, according to Sens. Ron Wyden and Mark Udall.
And just in time for Christmas this year:
3. The "indefinite detention" provisions, passed under the cover of The National Defense Authorization Act FY2012.
--- Induced so much controversy among the lawmakers I have no doubt its legalese will produce nasty unintended consequences.
The best Christmas present we can give our kids now is knowledge of what we've come to believe is their actual birthright, everyone's birthright -- God-given free will, exclusive ownership of themselves, and the right to question authority. Two things we strive to give them are the replacement of Todd Platts in 2012 and the restoration of the U.S. Constitution and our republic.
I cry as I write this letter because I don't know if we can deliver our last two gifts. Merry Christmas, kids, at least you know Mom and Dad are fighting for you.

NOTE: Letter printed in the York Daily Record, January 4, 2012 Edition

Monday, January 9, 2012

"Mr. Obama the President of Firsts" by Rich Carroll & Harish Rao

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly speak-out against ObamaCare.
First President to bully a major manufacturing company in which state they are allowed to relocate a factory (Boeing into South Carolina)
First President to file lawsuits against states that were forced to enforce immagration laws (AZ, AL, GA).

First President to revoke an approved coal permit that had been issued years ago.

First President to fire an Inspector-General of Ameri-corps for uncovering corruption.
First President to appoint 45 unaccountable Czars to replace officials that require Senate confirmation.

First President to golf 80 or more separate times in his first 3-years in office.

First President to hide his medical, transcripts, and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.

First President to coddle American enemies while alienating Americas allies (Isreal, England, and Eastern Europe).
First President to publicly bow to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours.
First President to go on 17 or more lavish vacations,  paid for by the US Taxpayers.
First President to refuse to wear the U.S. Flag lapel pin.
First President to have a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000.00/ year at taxpayers expense.

First President to appoint somone while the Senate was not in recess.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"What Have You Done For Your Liberty Today?" By Harish Rao


______ I raised the conversation of Liberty to one other person

____ I defended Liberty when challenged

____ I improved my own knowledge of Liberty

____ I wrote a letter-to-the-editor in Liberty's defense or advancement

____ I recommended a good article, book or film that advances Liberty

____ I donated money to an Organisation that advances ideas of Liberty

____ I reminded my political candidate or elected official the value of Liberty

____ I resisted temptation to subvert Liberty

____ I did nothing at all for Liberty today, except enjoy its fruits of it

____ I really don't care about Liberty

Monday, January 2, 2012

"A Two Party Failure" By Elizabeth Roberts

Samuel Jackson played the part of a grief stricken father who avenged the rape and assault of his daughter by killing her attackers in the 1996 movie A Time to Kill. The movie followed his subsequent trial, that of a black man attempting to get a fair trial in the south. Upon looking at the all white, middle class jury on the first day of trial he questioned, “That’s a jury of my peers?”

I express similar sentiments every time I go into the voting booth: This is a representative government?  My choice is either one that does not represent me at all, or one that represents me very little to not at all. Yet, like the character in the movie, that is what I get stuck with, like it or not.
Unlike the character in the movie who was acquitted in the end, we the people are forever condemned to live under the tentacles of a leviathan federal government, one that never rises to the occasion no matter how compelling the arguments against its shenanigans are. 

After two years of political activism, and exploring the root causes of our out of control government, I can, without reservation, point my finger at the two completely corrupt political parties as the source of most of the trouble.  If you want to change things and reclaim your birthright as Americans, that is where I would begin.

The following quote by Dwight D. Eisenhower, perfectly defines our political parties today: “If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.”
This begs the question: What right and moral causes do our two primary parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, advance?

As for the Democratic Party, it is nearly impossible for me to fathom what their right and moral cause is. Could it be abortion on demand? Unloading our society of those pesky, charitable, forgiving, God fearing Christians? Exploiting gays, blacks, Mexicans, and every other conceivable minority group? Bleeding the incentive out of every American to be a productive citizen? Advancing the snail darter to the top of the food chain? Making the government as big as is humanly possible?

As much as the Democratic Party principles elude me, I must admit the Republicans disgust me even more. Unlike their Democratic opponents who stand for despicable things, they stand for nothing. The old axiom attributed to Alexander Hamilton, “He who stands for nothing will fall for anything,” describes the Republican Party to a t. Their right and moral causes include: kowtowing to the Democrats, changing direction whenever the political winds warrant it, spreading “freedom and democracy” at gunpoint when it suits them, doing or saying whatever it takes to get elected, and last but not least, making the government as big as is humanly possible.

Unfortunately, what these two parties lack in morality, they make up for in money, resources and manpower, and they have no intention of allowing third parties or candidates that won’t toe their party’s line access to their good old boys’ club. 

If you need proof that neither party stands for limited government, take a look at Pennsylvania’s political landscape. Pennsylvania boasted one of the best economies in the world just after World War II. Now, at the end of 2011, Pennsylvania ranks among the least economically promising states, 43rd, due to burdensome taxation and overregulation, according to the annual Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index. Republicans sat at the helm the majority of that time.

Now, I am no expert in political affairs, but it seems to me that no matter which party reigns, we the people lose a little more wiggle room under the boot of big government. Maybe it is high time we stop trusting the Democrats and Republicans to choose our candidates for us. If you feel robbed of a real choice at the voting booth, take a moment and contact Rob Gleason, PA Republican Party Chairman, and Jim Burn, PA Democratic Party Chairman, and the other members of the party committees and tell them, “No preprimary endorsements!” Maybe then we will get a choice of something other than the lesser of two evils on Election Day.

NOTE: Letter printed in the York Sunday News, January 1, 2012 Edition